Some stories are meant to be shared.

Stories live. They should be respected and honoured as an act of sharing, connecting and teaching. Over the past five years — including a pandemic pause — the students of Stories North and people in communities throughout the Yukon have created stories of beauty, struggle, culture, doubt and hope. We are so grateful to be able to share these with you.

Moosehide Holly Dalrymple Moosehide Holly Dalrymple


In the late 1800s, the Hän peoples' ways of life were threatened when an influx of settlers came into their territory during the time of the Gold Rush. Chief Isaac recognized these uncertainties and dangers, so he sent the gänhäk (dancing stick) and his community's traditional songs and dances to his relatives in the Tanacross village in Alaska. These songs were kept safe and sacred for decades until the Hän people were ready to reclaim them as their own again.

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